Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Boredom Busting Purple Shirt - Butterick 6811

Boredom Busting Purple Shirt - Butterick 6811

Scratching around in the stash for boredom-busting projects during lockdown, I came across the remnant fabric from this dressAbout 1.5m but ony 90cm wide, I estimated a short sleeved shirt was achievable.

I used Butterick 6811 before as a base for this top. This time I started with view B, removed the front pleat, and cut the sleeves as long as the fabric would allow, intending to do turn-up hems.However, I later decided to add cuffs instead, as a bit more length balanced out the look of the shirt.

Boredom Busting Purple Shirt - Butterick 6811

Actually very happy with the results, apart from the ugly make-do buttons, which have now been replaced, thanks to shops being open again.

Hurray! Think I've got comments working again - would love to hear from you all. How was/is lockdown for you?

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Nirvana Sweater

If there was one thing I was determined to finish during lockdown, it was this sweater for SunnyJim.

The Nirvana Sweater

It's been knocking around since last year, picked up and abandoned several times in favour of "newer, shiny things". To be honest, I disliked working with the yarn (from Spotlight), even though it's a lovely colour and 100% wool, it was heavy, and not particlarly soft to handle.

I made the pattern up as I went along, and decided on the basket weave front to stop me dying of boredom while knitting. So much knitting!

However, once I handed it over, he loved it immediately and nicknamed it his "Kurt Cobain sweater" (even pulled out his guitar and had a noodle). He puts it on almost every evening shortly after walking in the door, these nights have been so chilly.

Must admit, it's not my best work, but it's DONE.